A personal online journal of truth.

Posts tagged ‘handwritten journals’

Journaling – On or Offline?

Keeping a journal is becoming more and more important to me. I need to record my thoughts. I want to learn from my own past mistakes, failures, achievements. Finally, I want my son to one day read my journals and learn important lessons. This last reason causes me some conflict about the method of choice for my journaling. Right now, I am utilizing WordPress for an online journal. In the past, I have kept handwritten journals. Which of these would my son most likely read? Will he be able to access and see my online journal 20 or 30 or even 40 years from now? What will happen to my WordPress journal when I am dead and gone?

While researching this issue, I found a short but helpful site discussing these same concerns. The post referred me to LegacyLocker.com, a website offering a way to pass on your online property when you pass on. I have not fully researched this service yet, but from my initial observation, I am hopeful it is just what I need. It even mentions passing on my Facebook account. I had not thought of this but yes, I want my son to have my Facebook account once I am dead and gone. For me, Facebook has been a daily record of my life for a couple of years now. It is packed full of photos from the birth of my son to now. He would value this, I hope.

Being assured that I can pass on my online property now leaves me with even more questions. What will become of Facebook 20 or 30 or even 40 years from now? Will my account still be there to actually pass on to my son? How about WordPress? If either of these sites shut down, then what will happen to all the information about my life? Will it all go down with the sites themselves? Is there a way to protect my information if these sites become obsolete? These concerns prompt me to consider reverting back to handwritten journals. I’m just not sure. More research is required.